One day, spent fully in the vortex of my particular way of co-creating, collaborating, designing, reflecting, and alchemizing.

On this day, you are asked to trust the wild meanderings of intuition. On this day, you are encouraged to not know, to not force, to not strategize. We might be exploring a forest. Or walking down a beach. Or ideating in a Moroccan tea house. Or gallivanting around a city, actively engaging in relevant experiments. This day is what you make it - nothing more and nothing less. It gives you what you are available to receive. The only rule is that you cannot arrive trying to achieve a particular result. In this space, chasing outcomes causes you to wear blinders. These outcome blinders crush the highest iteration of possibility, and ruin the fun. This offering is either for you, or it isn’t. Feel into it, and we can chat about your vision and your central question. Playful curiosity required.