“I was talking to Christine Owenell..

from Nashville, who runs Owenell Global Consultancy and was visiting on Necker, and we got discussing education. (...) Her response was to follow the bliss. Thinking about it, follow the bliss is a wonderful piece of advice to give people in life. If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success.”

sir richard branson
founder, virgin group



“Working with Christine was one of the most profound processes and journeys of my life.

She enabled me to get in touch with fundamental building blocks of myself that were holding me back from stepping into my true self, and fully realising my potential. As an entrepreneur and investor who is interested in spirituality, she helped me integrate the two. I now approach my life, my day, my business and myself, not from a place of grind or hustle or ego, but from a place of centredness and connectedness. That fundamental shift makes me even more powerful in what I am able to be, do and create. What makes Christine unique is that when it comes to business she really “gets it” due to her extensive commercial background. Combine this with an enlightened soul who has done the work herself, and you have a luminary who brings light and clarity to those she touches. I am forever grateful for having connected with Christine, and being fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to be guided by her.”

Jack Delosa
Founder, CEO, & Best-Selling Author The Entourage


“Christine Owenell uniquely marries her world class background in traditional business management with her intuition around integrative alignment.

The spaces opened by Christine give rise to focus, clarity, and sharp wisdom which has enabled me to evolve rapidly as a high impact, global executive. These outcomes are testaments to her finely honed instincts, level of professionalism, deep empathy, and her unwavering commitment to support people to unlock and express their full humanity and potential. Working with Christine is exhilarating and deeply fulfilling. She has helped me to exceed my own expectations of what I am capable of, and I recommend her to anyone who yearns to live an extraordinary life steeped in joy and purpose.”

Katrina dunn
CEO, grameen bank & grameen foundation



“After working with Christine I felt more connected to my work than ever. I have realized that this deep work is almost certainly essential for my leadership expansion.”

chief information security officer



“I wish everyone in the world could have the gift of Christine’s presence and wisdom.

She is an accelerant, a catalyst, a soul seer, a truth teller, and advisor. In 3 short months, I did what I was hoping I would do for years. Her strategic guidance gave me confidence to believe in myself again and move into what is now the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been. Her belief in me helped alchemize me into who I actually am. It was like she saw my soul, my brightest parts, my future, and what was possible for me when I myself was in the dark. She held me and guided me through my biggest transformation - she was the chrysalis for my soul's unfolding. She helped me go deep into myself, excavate and emerge anew. She met me exactly at each stage of my metamorphosis. Christine gave me the gift of returning back to myself and now I can live with the purpose and confidence I dreamt of. I am forever grateful for her.”

Daniela Plattner
founder, moving experiences



“It is said that if you take the timespan of one year, in that year you will likely meet 1-3 people will change your life.

And for me, that one person in 2019 was Christine. The impact of this coaching work has been that I was able to truly find my voice in an authentic way, and allow that to show up in my interactions. As a result, I saw profound success in the year we worked together, whether it was deals I won for my firm, negotiations that went well, being named as a Kauffman Fellow, being named to the Milken Young Leaders Council, realizing that I am a poet, and many other examples. These occurrences were connected to the deep discovery I did with coaching, that led to me being able to connect with others in a more compelling way. Christine helped me to lead with my soul power, discover the best of myself through inner work, allowing the face of my humanity to show up and show out so that transformation, healing, self-realization, and self love could better take place. The most profound part about our coaching sessions together was the fact that she helped me understand that I am both the question and the answer. Christine created a space where she was a mirror, a voice, a prompt, a listening ear, a place of belonging where I felt at home to realize the power that was already within me. And this was key. Because what is success and accolades if you don’t feel whole or connected?”

John L. G. White
COO, Cardinal System Holdings


“There aren’t enough amazing things I could say about Christine and our work together.

Her intuitive approach to executive coaching provides deep insight and alignment, far beyond the structure of best business practices and processes, which she offers as well. Our sessions illuminated inherent characteristics and patterns of behavior that facilitated personal development and enhanced my ability to lead. Because I was making a significant investment into this coaching program, there was a compelling reason for me to do the work. I will continue integrating and learning from her for months and years to come. I am beyond grateful, and so inspired to continue on this path of creative expansion.”

maddy pryor
founder & CEO, the rogue agency



a quick note:

I have admittedly been not great about asking for testimonials in the traditional way. The testimonials you see here represent a small percentage of the people I’ve worked with.

So imagine my surprise when I was sent the following video as a gift, which the group members of one of my Alchemy of Chaos leadership cohorts self-organized and created for me without me knowing.
Yes, I cried.

The people in this video include some of the most inspirational leaders I know, and I am still pinching myself that I had the opportunity to serve as their guide through the Alchemy of Chaos program.



“The most useful part of the coaching was working through mindset and emotional issues around money, sales, and success.

It was quite valuable to have someone push my thinking further than it would go alone. I’m a thinker, and I’m always thinking. That part has never been difficult. What was helpful with Christine was having someone who guided that thinking down productive paths. I feel much more capable now than I did in the beginning. I’ve made a strong connection to my own power. This has led to the discovery of what I feel is my life’s purpose, and life feels like it’s full of possibility.”

John McIntyre
Founder, The McMethod



“Before Christine and I started working together, I thought I was doing great.

But this level of fullness, aliveness, and transformation was unfathomable to me when we began. The gold is the realization that executive coaching is never truly about a goal, or business, or an external metric of any kind. It’s about who you become in the process. As a result of the 1:1 program with Christine, the light of who I am can shine through into all areas of my life, because of the listening, mirroring, accountability, strategy, and care that Christine provided. I have fallen in love with my life. My head hits the pillow every night with a smile. This is the alchemy of working with Christine: the excavation and expression of the authentic self. And that level of self in the world is limitless, and priceless.

Matisse Williams
Founder, Author, Coach, & Facilitator


“Christine is not of this planet. And I hope reading that does not scare you away.

The truth is that she is from somewhere far better. A place where infinite possibility is the norm. Where solutions to life-altering problems are pulled out of seemingly thin air, simply by the space she so intuitively holds and the depth of questioning and leadership she provides. I am awed by the creativity and safety she creates. While working with Christine, I found the courage to burn down the pieces of my life that had expired, and with her help, I molded something new and limitless from their ashes. With Christine’s coaching, I found the courage to step more deeply than ever into my truth and purpose. My business and life are finally in alignment instead of discord. And these changes will almost certainly make my company more profitable, too - if that’s what you’re after. Christine may not be from this planet, but we are damn lucky to have her. Work with her. Now. You may burn yourself down, but what you rebuild will likely be far better - truer, really.”

Mel Griffin
Founder & CEO, Melyssa Griffin



“Coaching has made my values a lot clearer and helped me to decipher who I want to work with based on value alignment. I now feel like I am stepping up into the next stage of my purposeful work.”

Amelia Loye
Founder & Managing Director, Engage2 Australia



“Working with Christine is hard to describe..

If you are willing to go there, to fully commit, to let your guard down, and to not have the perfect answer, it can be one of the most transformative experiences for both you and, subsequently, the organization you lead. Christine has such a gift of language and helping me understand and see the truths about myself that may be hard to see. This journey with Christine will be something that I never forget."

Travis Terrell
Co-CEO, Soundstripe

“I can say with confidence that diving into coaching with Christine was one of the best investments I've ever made for our company and for me, personally.

Christine has such a unique, almost indescribable gift of pulling out the absolute truest bits of you. This work is challenging in the best of ways and the impact of it all is so powerful. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to do this work. It was an honor and privilege that will have a long lasting impact on my company and my self.”

Micah Sannan
Co-CEO, Soundstripe



“In the short time being coached by Christine, my energy, my alignment, and my mindset have all elevated.

When we started working together I felt blocked, I questioned my abilities, and I didn't allow myself to dream big. After sharing an idea with Christine that I didn't think was possible to execute on, she sifted out a reframe of possibility that I could not previously visualize. Immediately she affirmed that I already had the tools to make this a reality, something I hadn't yet seen for myself. Through her provocative questions, recommended readings, intentional homework assignments, and feedback, she ushered me through rapid personal growth. She created the space for me to demonstrate to myself that I was the change agent I was waiting for. In our sessions there was a flow of creation, a safety to be vulnerable, and a celebration of accomplishments. She always met me with deeper insight to amplify the momentum I was experiencing. Christine is an attuned guide to help move through obstacles and see the possibility within them. I have accelerated at light speed with her support and partnership. The experience altogether was fresh, aligned, and divine.”

Staci Buford
Founder, Mindful Movement


“Christine's work is essential for your success.

She's an incredibly intuitive person and an immense catalyst for growth. Together, we came up with actionable steps to help me get where I needed to be to become more present, powerful, and patient. She works to open you up to wisdom without judgment or pretense. Simply through sharing her own experiences and asking direct questions, we uncovered memories and experiences I had no idea were holding me back from my true potential. I cannot recommend working with her highly enough."

Alex Tapper
Co-Founder, Sixty



“Improving organizational results requires behavior change.

You can do it the hard way: change the org chart, shuffle people, do skill building training, change the performance metrics. Wait for six months to see the results (maybe). Or you can do it Christine’s way. The easier way. Focus on the individuals, and on their why. She led our team deep into their personal motivations so that they could see each other and team communication in a different light. She delivers insight. Insight that transforms relationships and team performance in a matter of hours. How long does it take? How long does a flash of insight take?”

Cherrie Clark Wilkerson
Assistant Dean, Professional Programs, Vanderbilt University



“Working with Christine is a dream!

With Christine’s support I was able to notice ways that I was putting things at odds and not allowing myself to experience flow in my life. What is possible for me as a result of coaching is that I am putting one foot in front of the other in situations where I would normally not take action. Having someone on your side to support you in seeing what it is holding you back is priceless.”

Joy Rheman
Founder, The Joy Effect


“Christine has mastered the art of building a bridge over communication breakdowns within the office.

She quietly and invisibly opens pathways you did not even realize were closed. Suddenly things just start working again, and when communication and workflow are back on track, morale surges too.”

Yogi Dougher
Sr. Vice President, Alternative Capital Funding Solutions



“Mastering Money Conciousness was a truly transformational course. My perspective and relationship with money dramatically shifted in the short time we spent with Christine. Her desire to share this work comes from her heart, and her generosity makes this a truly palpable experience.”

Samantha Herbert
Founder, Seeds of the Future



“I was introduced to Christine at a critical time in the development timeline for my company.

The work we did together has been vital to our current success. She quickly assessed my challenge and was able to break through my natural tendency to guard my thoughts - a tendency that had proven to be an obstacle in the company's communication strategy. She also pointed out - really proved to me - that my role as the "author" of Veebit's vision, though clearly foundational to the company, was holding it back. The entire experience of working with Christine was highly personal and intriguing to me. She was able to seamlessly move between the role of a personal counselor and that of a business coach. Combined with her intellectual capability and general human insight, it makes for a highly unique and incredibly valuable experience.”

Terri Persico
Founder & CEO, Veebit



“Christine came into our office and flipped its negative, cold culture on its head within days of being in our presence.

Not only was she intentional about empowering the employees, but she aligned everyone as a team to organize priorities and come up with exciting goals they genuinely wanted to reach. Getting the perspective of OGC on your business will allow you to see your company in a new light and make the necessary steps to turning your great company into an excellent company.”

Jessica Randolph
Founder, The Nashville Perspective


“Because of the support of Christine, many internal beliefs I've had for so long are being broken down..

and I'm now able to see my true self and use it constructively instead of self sabotaging. I've turned my dreams into reality. I spent years believing ease and abundance just wasn’t possible for me, and now in a matter of weeks it’s all happening. Christine’s expertise has educated me around taking inspired action and bringing life to my company. Her empowering me through her strength and passion has opened up my mind and brought positivity and certainty that I am enough. She has ultimately guided me towards my true potential, my soul purpose."

Kathleen Parker
Founder, Voyage & Serenity



“Christine has an incredible natural ability to help clients rediscover and reconnect to what their mission is as humans.

hrough executive coaching and strategy consulting she can transform a business from a company with a good idea and foundation to one pulsing with a unified culture of employees working purposefully towards greater success. Working with her is inspirational and always leaves me with a renewed drive to be better, today, in any way I can.

Heather Murdock
Lifestyle Coach, Aetna